Newsletter Section

Community Connections

Save the Date! 2020 Allen L. Edwards Psychology Lectures

We were thrilled to have a packed house again for the 14th Annual Allen L. Edwards Psychology Lecture Series this past Spring. More than 1,000 members of our community joined us for an evening lecture by prominent UW psychologists and distinguished visiting scholars. 

  • Drs. Eliot Brenowitz of UW and Rene Hen of Columbia University explored nerogensis, the birth of new brain cells in adult birds and rodents. 
  • Drs. Jessica Sommerville of UW and Tamar Kushnir of Cornell University explained social learning from infancy through the preschool years, imparting helpful information for parenting and education. 

We hope to see you at next year's lectures on Wednesday, April 29 and Wednesday, May 6, 2020. Make sure that you are signed up for our event invites by subcribing to our biannual e-newsletter that includes faculty and student stories, recent achievements, and ways you can connect with the Psychology Department.

To view this years lectures from Drs. Jessica Sommerville and Tamar Kushnir please visit our Edwards Lectures page here. 

Support a Psychology Student Through Huskies@Work

Calling all alum: now you can help a student with Huskies@Work, UW Alumni Association’s job shadowing program.

Psychology is one of the most dynamic majors on campus: with a degree under their belt, students can pursue careers in research, therapy, business, community health, technology, and many other fields. As an alum, you can play a part in their path to choosing a career by showing them what can be possible after graduation.

Huskies@Work is offered twice each year, during one month in the fall and one month in the spring. Alumni and students fill out applications and are matched based on career field and interests. Together, you decide on a mutal date and time and you’ll get the chance to share a day in your life. From meetings to site visits, informational coffees to meetings over Skype or phone call — you can show a fellow Dawg what it’s like to walk in your shoes.

Fall 2019 session applications open on August 19th. Learn more and get involved today on the Huskies@Work website.

Looking for more ways to connect with UW Psychology post-grad and beyond? Visit the department website and stay connected with us today.